What Is Astrology?
Astrology is as old as time itself. The "Horoscope" as everyone calls it is actually your natal chart, derived from the date, time, and place of your birth. It is a method of mapping the planets surrounding the earth at the exact moment you were born or when you drew your FIRST BREATH. When you take that first breath on this earth, you are breathing in a cosmic portrait of the heavens at that "exact" moment. This is the reason that your time of birth is so crucial for an accurate cosmic portrait.
Your natal Horoscope gives you an in depth character analyses for your own personal use. It will show you where your weak areas are in your makeup. By working on them, you will become a better person and much more pleased with the "overall YOU!" This roadmap of your life will show you both the good aspects that you were born with, as well as those touchy aspects that are latent within you.
Astrology has been misunderstood by the masses since it was first discovered, millennia ago. Most people with little or no knowledge of astrology believe that it is basically a fortunetelling device. What they fail to understand is that astrology will not tell us what we will do. What astrology will do is show us the opportunities or obstacles that we are likely to face in our future. How we deal with these situations is up to us.
The natal horoscope will often show us how we may react to a given set of circumstances but free will is what helps to decide our future and is the strongest influence on those decisions. No forecaster, (unless extremely clairvoyant) can tell you what you will do in any given situation. Astrology will not tell you what you will do, you will do what you decide to do. There are many benefits from the study of astrology. Firstly it gives us an understanding of ourselves and what influences the way we do things. Secondly it shows us the opportunities that are likely to come our way, and more importantly it can tell us when these will arise. To know when is the right time to make an important decision will make all the difference between success and failure. To choose the wrong time will not guarantee anything but problems.
Timing in our lives is quite often decided upon by emotional factors. Logic does not understand emotions and that’s why we often tend to choose the wrong moment to make an important move in our lives. We are governed by nature and if we fit in with nature we will grow and prosper like the plants and the trees etc. If we resist nature, we will have obstacles and setbacks and things just won’t flourish so easily. Time is not only the great healer, it is also the great provider. It provides the time for us to assimilate information, to watch, observe and gain wisdom from what we see around us.
If we take careful notice of how nature works and apply these same basic principles we too will grow and flourish. We will grow in the right place at the right time. Farmers use the phases of the Moon to plant their crops and reap the harvest at its best because of their wisdom. Plants only grow in certain climates, under certain conditions and at the right time of the year. So too for humans. We are at our best when we are in tune with nature. Sleeping at night, awake during the day. We grow according to our circumstances, where we are, our upbringing and then the rest is up to us to work out for ourselves when we reach adulthood. Maturity is knowing when is the right time to act and when is the right time to just bide our time. Often instinct is what we say we use to make judgments about what we are going to do next. Some may feel as though they are “guided” at certain times in their lives to be at a certain place or make a particular move at what seems the appropriate time.
Quite often these feelings prove to be correct or beneficial in some way and that is what shows us that we have made the right decision at the right time. We then may take notice of these “feelings” and when we get an impression again, we may take notice and act accordingly. We learn to trust our own judgments, instincts, feelings (or whatever we may call it) as it proves to be helpful. We also tend to call this maturity, and it is, because maturity is a part of nature that we learn as we grow up.
We also can learn from the mistakes. We will remember what it was that may have prompted us to make a certain decision that proved troublesome. Or perhaps we were influenced by what someone else was deciding at that time and decided to go along with it. Our little voice of wisdom may have tried to reach us and we may have chosen to ignore it, thinking it fanciful or maybe just for once we decided to take a little risk. When this proves unfortunate for us we must learn to be philosophical about our mistakes. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes, all along the way, simply because we are human. However, some decisions and errors may prove to be irrevocable and these are the ones we don’t forget. After all, we are meant to learn something from all this. Life is an experience, preferably to be enjoyed rather than endured.
With the knowledge of astrology we can change all this. We can observe the phases of the Moon and all the other planetary combinations and decide from this information when is the right time to purchase that new house, get married, start a business etc. We will know that we are giving it our best shot with all the information at hand and available to us from the cosmos. It will start to become natural to us to look to the heavens for guidance and direction. It does not mean that we will be directed at all times by the stars. What it will mean is that we make full use of the most beneficial time to commence a project to ensure its success. We will become aware of problems as they arise and from where or from whom. There is so much knowledge out there waiting to be tapped. Start tapping.
Also we will be aware of when it is not the right time to start a certain project, no matter how convenient it may be to commence regardless. If we choose to still go ahead at a time when the planetary aspects are adverse, we will soon see for ourselves as the difficulties arise, that we have surely taken the wrong path. Green lights say go, red lights say stop.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
The more we use these valuable insights to plan our moves in life the fewer problems we will have to deal with and more time to get on with enjoying our sojourn on this lovely planet called Earth. We are here to have fun, learn, love, and make the most of the beauty and wonder of life and our existence here. The beauty of astrology is in the timing of events in your life. Should you see that an adverse aspect is in operation, just referring to the yearly horoscope will show you when the aspect will be finalised once and for all. Even if the planet retrogrades and repeats the aspect three times over a year or so, eventually the aspect will be over and you will know exactly when that will be. It is almost as if astrology was meant to show us the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Mostly is is the adverse aspect that we wish to see an end to.
Content With A Modest Lifestyle
When we have fortunate aspects we want them to last forever, and that's only natural. However, fortunate aspects don't last forever and neither does one's fortune. Eventually it is no longer there whether by our lavish lifestyle or eventually our own demise. The natal chart is the most accurate forecaster of all that will probably eventuate in the life. If good fortune is not indicated in the natal chart then it is unlikely it will be achieved. However it is up to us how we deal with what circumstances we are given and to make the best of whatever small amount of good fortune we are likely to experience in this lifetime. Some people do not feel driven to make vast fortunes in their lifetime and are content whit a modest lifestyle. Then there are the others who just can't seem to get enough.
Character Determines Destiny
If you are born into a family of wealth it will not be easy for you to understand the thoughts and attitudes that the average working person may have concerning financial security. If you are not required to earn your own keep but are kept by your family's wealth, you will never know what it is like to be any different, and that is not your fault. The average person will also not understand or comprehend your attitudes or motivations because your situation is alien to them.
Character determines destiny. If you are a lazy person and your chart shows that there is a favorable transit operating that could bring rewards if the opportunities are grasped at that very point in time and you choose to sit around doing nothing, then there is little chance that the rewards that are promised will ever eventuate. Another person will recognise the invaluable opportunity, seize it and reap the benefits.
A chart may show an abundance of opportunities but if the person does not make the effort to utilise and recognise them, then it will come to nothing. The chart will not show what we will do although it will show the opportunities that will present themselves to us and then it is up to us to decide how we will deal with them.
Your natal Horoscope gives you an in depth character analyses for your own personal use. It will show you where your weak areas are in your makeup. By working on them, you will become a better person and much more pleased with the "overall YOU!" This roadmap of your life will show you both the good aspects that you were born with, as well as those touchy aspects that are latent within you.
Astrology has been misunderstood by the masses since it was first discovered, millennia ago. Most people with little or no knowledge of astrology believe that it is basically a fortunetelling device. What they fail to understand is that astrology will not tell us what we will do. What astrology will do is show us the opportunities or obstacles that we are likely to face in our future. How we deal with these situations is up to us.
The natal horoscope will often show us how we may react to a given set of circumstances but free will is what helps to decide our future and is the strongest influence on those decisions. No forecaster, (unless extremely clairvoyant) can tell you what you will do in any given situation. Astrology will not tell you what you will do, you will do what you decide to do. There are many benefits from the study of astrology. Firstly it gives us an understanding of ourselves and what influences the way we do things. Secondly it shows us the opportunities that are likely to come our way, and more importantly it can tell us when these will arise. To know when is the right time to make an important decision will make all the difference between success and failure. To choose the wrong time will not guarantee anything but problems.
Timing in our lives is quite often decided upon by emotional factors. Logic does not understand emotions and that’s why we often tend to choose the wrong moment to make an important move in our lives. We are governed by nature and if we fit in with nature we will grow and prosper like the plants and the trees etc. If we resist nature, we will have obstacles and setbacks and things just won’t flourish so easily. Time is not only the great healer, it is also the great provider. It provides the time for us to assimilate information, to watch, observe and gain wisdom from what we see around us.
If we take careful notice of how nature works and apply these same basic principles we too will grow and flourish. We will grow in the right place at the right time. Farmers use the phases of the Moon to plant their crops and reap the harvest at its best because of their wisdom. Plants only grow in certain climates, under certain conditions and at the right time of the year. So too for humans. We are at our best when we are in tune with nature. Sleeping at night, awake during the day. We grow according to our circumstances, where we are, our upbringing and then the rest is up to us to work out for ourselves when we reach adulthood. Maturity is knowing when is the right time to act and when is the right time to just bide our time. Often instinct is what we say we use to make judgments about what we are going to do next. Some may feel as though they are “guided” at certain times in their lives to be at a certain place or make a particular move at what seems the appropriate time.
Quite often these feelings prove to be correct or beneficial in some way and that is what shows us that we have made the right decision at the right time. We then may take notice of these “feelings” and when we get an impression again, we may take notice and act accordingly. We learn to trust our own judgments, instincts, feelings (or whatever we may call it) as it proves to be helpful. We also tend to call this maturity, and it is, because maturity is a part of nature that we learn as we grow up.
We also can learn from the mistakes. We will remember what it was that may have prompted us to make a certain decision that proved troublesome. Or perhaps we were influenced by what someone else was deciding at that time and decided to go along with it. Our little voice of wisdom may have tried to reach us and we may have chosen to ignore it, thinking it fanciful or maybe just for once we decided to take a little risk. When this proves unfortunate for us we must learn to be philosophical about our mistakes. We are not perfect and we will make mistakes, all along the way, simply because we are human. However, some decisions and errors may prove to be irrevocable and these are the ones we don’t forget. After all, we are meant to learn something from all this. Life is an experience, preferably to be enjoyed rather than endured.
With the knowledge of astrology we can change all this. We can observe the phases of the Moon and all the other planetary combinations and decide from this information when is the right time to purchase that new house, get married, start a business etc. We will know that we are giving it our best shot with all the information at hand and available to us from the cosmos. It will start to become natural to us to look to the heavens for guidance and direction. It does not mean that we will be directed at all times by the stars. What it will mean is that we make full use of the most beneficial time to commence a project to ensure its success. We will become aware of problems as they arise and from where or from whom. There is so much knowledge out there waiting to be tapped. Start tapping.
Also we will be aware of when it is not the right time to start a certain project, no matter how convenient it may be to commence regardless. If we choose to still go ahead at a time when the planetary aspects are adverse, we will soon see for ourselves as the difficulties arise, that we have surely taken the wrong path. Green lights say go, red lights say stop.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
The more we use these valuable insights to plan our moves in life the fewer problems we will have to deal with and more time to get on with enjoying our sojourn on this lovely planet called Earth. We are here to have fun, learn, love, and make the most of the beauty and wonder of life and our existence here. The beauty of astrology is in the timing of events in your life. Should you see that an adverse aspect is in operation, just referring to the yearly horoscope will show you when the aspect will be finalised once and for all. Even if the planet retrogrades and repeats the aspect three times over a year or so, eventually the aspect will be over and you will know exactly when that will be. It is almost as if astrology was meant to show us the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Mostly is is the adverse aspect that we wish to see an end to.
Content With A Modest Lifestyle
When we have fortunate aspects we want them to last forever, and that's only natural. However, fortunate aspects don't last forever and neither does one's fortune. Eventually it is no longer there whether by our lavish lifestyle or eventually our own demise. The natal chart is the most accurate forecaster of all that will probably eventuate in the life. If good fortune is not indicated in the natal chart then it is unlikely it will be achieved. However it is up to us how we deal with what circumstances we are given and to make the best of whatever small amount of good fortune we are likely to experience in this lifetime. Some people do not feel driven to make vast fortunes in their lifetime and are content whit a modest lifestyle. Then there are the others who just can't seem to get enough.
Character Determines Destiny
If you are born into a family of wealth it will not be easy for you to understand the thoughts and attitudes that the average working person may have concerning financial security. If you are not required to earn your own keep but are kept by your family's wealth, you will never know what it is like to be any different, and that is not your fault. The average person will also not understand or comprehend your attitudes or motivations because your situation is alien to them.
Character determines destiny. If you are a lazy person and your chart shows that there is a favorable transit operating that could bring rewards if the opportunities are grasped at that very point in time and you choose to sit around doing nothing, then there is little chance that the rewards that are promised will ever eventuate. Another person will recognise the invaluable opportunity, seize it and reap the benefits.
A chart may show an abundance of opportunities but if the person does not make the effort to utilise and recognise them, then it will come to nothing. The chart will not show what we will do although it will show the opportunities that will present themselves to us and then it is up to us to decide how we will deal with them.