Horoscope 2016

The approach of the New Year 2016 brings wonderful new opportunities. Many of us have been dealing with some major planetary passages. I know that for me personally it has been difficult. However, let us be anticipatory of the great changes moving across our reality and prepared to enjoy the New Year.
In 2016 Virgos & Aries still have a lot of action with Jupiter on one end & Uranus on the other shaking things up. Mercury retrogrades in Fire signs. Saturn spends all year in Sagittarius urging them to get organized. It looks like this good aspect between Jupiter & Saturn is improving the economy, in spite of the fact that Sagittarius is not the best place for Saturn.
Spiritual callings will grow stronger as folks choose to come closer to an understanding with the divine. This would be a wonderful time for good hearts to join together in global prayer to bring the birth of the new age in with safety and love.
In 2016 Virgos & Aries still have a lot of action with Jupiter on one end & Uranus on the other shaking things up. Mercury retrogrades in Fire signs. Saturn spends all year in Sagittarius urging them to get organized. It looks like this good aspect between Jupiter & Saturn is improving the economy, in spite of the fact that Sagittarius is not the best place for Saturn.
Spiritual callings will grow stronger as folks choose to come closer to an understanding with the divine. This would be a wonderful time for good hearts to join together in global prayer to bring the birth of the new age in with safety and love.
The end of 2016 will find a wonderful interaction between Jupiter and Pluto that represents collective and individual healing. It is a culmination of a year of miscommunication and the search to improve our communications individually and collectively. It may be that this year find the fall of religions to be replaced by the rising of new tenets of faith that go back to the old ways before God was a man.
COLLECTIVE AFFIRMATION; I share love and peace with all people.
And now for your individual forecast for the year ahead based upon your sun sign. If you know your rising sign and moon sign please read them also.
See also: 2016 Numerology Predictions - Fated Relationships Return in New Year 2016!
COLLECTIVE AFFIRMATION; I share love and peace with all people.
And now for your individual forecast for the year ahead based upon your sun sign. If you know your rising sign and moon sign please read them also.
See also: 2016 Numerology Predictions - Fated Relationships Return in New Year 2016!
Horoscope 2016 for each zodiac sign
(March 21 - April 19)
It is a time of transformation and preparing for a new journey this year. You may find yourself seeking out a new career. Positive changes in your home environment could find the numbers of folks residing there changing. Be willing to begin to study in order to achieve your inner dreams. Higher education and publishing play an important role this year. You have the magic of love in your corner at this time. Expect love to blow you away if you are caught up in a relationship demanding commitment. Despite its name expressing only one out of its numerous colors, the color palette of the sapphire strikes one’s imagination by its variety: blue-purple, green, yellow, clear, orange and pink-orange. The sapphire is considered to be the symbol of power, obedience, fidelity, chastity and will help you in your travels to live up to your highest ethical standards and attract that behavior from others. Check this Aries horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/aries-2016/
(April 20 - May 20)
If dreams come true, they will for you. This is the year when you finally begin to understand your place in the big picture. You will find yourself establishing greater independence. And, you are going to like it. New friends will enter your world. Your sense of being restricted by family is going to be ended and you will have a new opportunity to travel and see the world. You will discover new gifts that you never realized where a part of your abilities. You may find yourself joining with your beloved for some beautification of the boudoir. Make the most of the delicate words of love to bring yourself romantic joy. The emerald is truly one of nature’s treasures. You will find that this gem stone will enhance your sense of special attraction. A favorite of Cleopatra, the name of the emerald comes from the Greek smaragdos or "green stone". There is no other gem stone that will reflect your love of beauty and elegance as well as the emerald. Check this Taurus horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/taurus-2016/
(May 21 - June 21)
Your sense of freedom and accomplishment begin to be clearer this year. You will find yourself proud of your tenacity and holding on when others told you to give up. Relationships become stronger. Some Geminians will find wedding bells ringing. Others will see the end of one relationship and the beginning of another. The point is that relationship becomes more important in helping you define yourself more clearly. Expect a sudden offer that will sweep you off your feet. Love and your social standing are the focus in 2016. You may find yourself posting your bans or speaking your commitment to your peers. You may want to wear amethyst at this time as it can help you tune into the wonderful energies between your sign and Aquarius. Amethyst comes from the word that once meant sober. You may find yourself safely joining friends in revelry but keep yourself in control with the power of the amethyst. The color purple is traditionally the color of royalty and amethyst has been used since the dawn of history to adorn the rich and powerful monarchs and rulers. You may find yourself gaining more power over the next several months. Check this Gemini horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/gemini-2016/
(June 22 - July 22)
Ring out the old in order to ring in the new is your clue for this year. Letting go of false expectations will lead you to greater heights of success in business and in relationships. You can make major progress this year if you are willing to reinvent yourself. Take classes. Visit museums. Choose a guru. Go to counseling. Join a support group. Begin to expand your horizon so that you may take advantage of your advantages. Don't let fear keep you from choosing to move to a new home or a new job. Shared resources are a topic of conversation and your commitment to a common goal may cause some confusion. Make the best of the changes going on in your relationships in order to find higher levels of intimacy. Malachite is a great absorber of negative energies, therefore requiring regular "cleansing "; however, when combined with azurite, the negativity will be dispersed rather than stored. Malachite and Azurite have a very similar chemical formula. Add some azurite to your gem collection to bring more balance and centering. Azurite is a very popular mineral because of its unparalleled color, a deep blue called "azure", hence its name. Azure is derived from the Arabic word for blue. Check this Cancer horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/cancer-2016/
(July 23 - August 22)
This is a year of expression and opportunity for you Leo. You can make major progress in recouping some financial losses of this past year. Relationships go through changes that are actually a bit more romantic than you are used to having. Be fair to yourself in your desire to help others you could over extend yourself. The possibilities get even stronger by November when you will be in an extravagant mood. Watch your diet this year as weight wants to hang on. Perhaps a new exercise routine should be one of your New Year Resolutions. You may find confusion between an old love and a new love comes to resolution at this time. Make a choice, as this is one time when you can't have your cake and eat it too. You make a decision that changes your relationship dramatically. Quartz dispels negativity in one's personal energy field and environment. Aids meditation and communication with the Higher Self and Spirit guides. You can use the energy of pure clear quartz to bring you into closer understanding of the unspoken in your relationships. Pink or peach-colored quartz is called Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is often placed on altars in large chunks to affirm prosperity. Check this Leo horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/leo-2016/
(August 23 - September 22)
You will be called upon to take on some tasks this year that you said you never would do because of your desire to help others. This is not the time to back off or to be afraid. Courage is your middle name this year. Helping others with health problems may be a focus or you may have to swallow some pride and accept some help yourself. Later in the year, you will definitely have proof that angels are protecting you. You find more comfort in love at this time. You may even start to believe that you are loveable. Hidden energies and communication may surprise you with secrets that are revealed. A hidden affair could put you in jeopardy – be careful of secrets and lies. Jade relaxes the mind and body and brings good luck. You will respond to its wonderful healing energies. The many colors of jade can reflect your charming but natural elegance. Jadeite is rarer and the highest quality is known as imperial Jade. Jadeite comes in many colors: red, yellow, green, lilac, black, orange, white, pink, blue and brown. Prosperity follows jade. Check this Virgo horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/virgo-2016/
(September 23 - October 23)
Let your heart shine this year. It is the time of new beginnings and a time for you to put that body back in shape. Love continues to grow in unexpected ways. You will find yourself doing more travel than usual and you might even find yourself making some new and unique friends with whom to socialize. A new hobby could turn into a moneymaking opportunity. When asked to volunteer be the first to say yes because you are about to start a great new adventure. You find others look to you for leadership in your relationships. Open up to potentials in a current commitment. An associate becomes even more attractive. You may find yourself seeking a new form of physical fitness or going on a diet that is finally successful. Blue Topaz reflects the deep energy that brings harmony out of conflict. You can use the energy of this stone to help you to express greater harmony in your work and your family life. Add a diamond to your blue topaz and you will create a greater strength of will. Topaz occurs naturally in many colors including blue, orange, brown, green, pink, beige and red. Colorless topaz, a common variation, can be treated by irradiation to produce a wide range of shades of blue. Thus treated, blue topaz is one of the most popular and widely used of all gemstones and you will find your celebrity will increase if you use the magic of this gemstone. Check this Libra horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/libra-2016/
(October 24 - November 21)
You will find that this year could be a little more subtle than usual. Friends and associates are more cooperative. You can find that children prove to be confusing but just hold on -- everyone has to deal with the expression of independence from the younger ones. A fight with an old friend could suddenly be healed this year bringing you closer than you ever where before. Promise nothing this year except to do your best. You may find yourself seeking a way to give up control so that you may better experience the passion you desire with a dear and beloved person. The tensions of passion are powerful at this time and you may find that when you decide to give up and become a follower in the dance of love you gain tremendous intimacy that you have sought for so long. The Ruby is prized because of its rarity and beauty. The ruby is a variety of corundum (as is the sapphire) and only exists as a true red in color. In fact, its name comes from the Latin word "ruber” meaning red. Rubies will protect you from misfortune, and protect your home, land and stature in life. Its protective powers are supposedly intensified when set in jewelry, and worn on the left side. Check this Scorpio horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/scorpio-2016/
(November 22 - December 21)
This is an exciting year of change for you Sag. Life gets more interesting and you may find yourself taking a little journey to the world of self-discovery. If you have been working on making changes, you will definitely see results. Investments could flower in the fall. Put your heart on your sleeve and you will see that love finally does manifest in the way that you expected. Lots of changes and travel this year. The eternal romantic you may find your beloved mounting that white charger and carrying you off for a romantic 2016 year. You need the space away from home to help recharge your love life. The energy is available to make your life even more successful if you are willing to make the first moves. Ranging from sky blue to blue green to apple green. Persia (Iran) has been a main source of turquoise for centuries, producing the most-valued clear, blue stones. In your many travels the turquoise will bring you protection from evil and promotion of prosperity. Check this Sagittarius horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/sagittarius-2016/
(December 22 - January 19)
Through the mist of the past comes an answer that will show you the path to your future this year. A burden that you have been carrying will become lighter and you will feel the love in your life that you thought was lost to you. Others may seem less interesting so it is time for you to consider moving on to greener pastures. The option to change is now available. Take heart and follow your heart. This can become one of the best years of your life. Make some memories. Your energy and passion can be centered on caring for your family at this time. If you have been doing the work, there could be a definite healing of relationships and a moment of true intimacy that will show you the potential of your current relationship. Making plans together creates a new dynamic in your relationship where you no longer have to carry all the burden of decision making. Aquamarine, which ranges in color from light blue to blue-green and dark blue, will bring you comfort as you travel. It is a member of the beryl family, which also includes emerald. In ancient times, the aquamarine was believed to aid those at sea, and wearing aquamarine earrings brings love and affection. Make it your personal symbol of hope, health and youth. Check this Capricorn horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/capricorn-2016/
(January 20 - February 18)
Does the word change invite you? How about excitement? This is the year for you to take full advantage of opportunities and events that will change your life forever in very positive ways. As we are softly moving into the Aquarian Age for the most part, you can rush there with wings unfolded reading to be the clarion of what can really happen. Relationships will become more intense. Friendships will multiply. Responsibilities will shift in a very positive way. You are going to accept a more direct leadership role this year in your home, your work, your community and your world. Dare to be unique. As time progresses your charm increases. You have dreams of success and achievement but the power really moves up a notch in September and October when cooperation of others seems like magic to your ears. Revealing your dreams to a close associate is the first step to working toward common goals. Peridot is only found in green, ranging from light yellow-green to soda bottle green (think 7-Up). The preferred color for peridot is a clear-lime. According to legend, peridots protect the wearer from terrors of the night when set in gold, and were believed to intensify the effects of medicine when drunk from a cup made of the gems. Pirates considered the stones powerful amulets against evil. You will receive greater clarity and prophecy through your dreams if you choose this as your signature gem for the next several months. Check this Aquarius horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/aquarius-2016/
(February 19 - March 20)
Prepare to get happy in 2016. Time for you to put away your worries (well unless they give you comfort) and begin to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Projects that you have worked on for years will now succeed. New educational or career opportunities will bring back the zest that you have been missing. Start looking for love in all the wrong places may find you discovering the right person. Look to your friends for guidance but follow your own dreams. Between your birthday and July is a window of opportunity that you must follow your intuition in order not to miss. This is a great year for decorating or buying new things for your home. You may feel that your associates are even more committed to you than you realized. Use the current astrological energy to move forward with your dreams and to make them a reality. Sudden appearances of old friends from the past present you with an opportunity to truly succeed. Garnet ranges from colorless to black, its most common color is a deep red. But garnets can be found in every shade, including lime green and mandarin orange. The popular rhodolite garnet, ranges from pink to purplish red in color. It is believed to give its wearer guidance in the night and protection from nightmares. . Garnet can help to cure depression. It is a wonderful gem for opening up the heart to find one’s true mission in life. Check this Pisces horoscope 2016 for more details: http://astrologyclub.org/horoscope-2016/pisces-2016/
Be blessed this year!