Numerology 2017
The numerology of 2017 shows that the humanity has to set long-range goals and plans for the future now, as these have to be the foundation for the entire nine-step cycle to which this text refers.
Among all, there is a sense for a new beginning which calls for endeavors in a new way and/or the expansion of existing ones. The key-words here are independence and attainment.
Humanity, and in that every nation on earth, has to believe in her willpower and abilities, stand on its own, be assertive, initiative, decisive and firm regardless of what others may think. Concentration on the set goals is mandatory, willpower, leadership and steadfastness will be rewarded and vacillation, conceit, presumption, and phoney self-promotion will turn out to be ruinous and any unethical course of action will backfire in the following nine evolutionary steps to come.
In 2017 nations have to guide their individuation wisely, must not be impulsive, guard their ego, and must not become arrogant, selfish or uncaring. Occasionally, they may however make a bee-line and will get away with it.
On-par partnerships are better avoided now and those with whom one wants to collaborate or to work for the nation or an international project should be hand-selected. The same principle has to be applied when choosing intimates and confidants.
The nations have to have the courage now to act on their intuitions and may not be afraid of trying unusual and unconventional approaches to achieve the set objectives.
Internally, mankind is now formulating new concepts, pursuits, and a different style of living for the next nine-step period.
If they are lazy or still unsure and feel insecure because of last year's completions and endings, they will have great difficulties finding a direction and a concept of living within the next nine years. The next chance for laying a bedrock will be 9 years from now.
Despite the demands and extra workload with which humanity has to deal this year, the course of a No 1/1 does generally not become visible before the middle of the year and not clear before October. During these months it must be kept in mind that in this year the foundational building blocks for the next nine-year cycle are laid. Any long-range commitments should therefore be checked against the importance of this year.
Many fresh opportunities, but possibly full of controversies. The reason for this lies in the combination of the two energies that constitute the current vibration (the No 2 and 8). The first one makes one shy, passive and overly sensitive, the second one pushes one to follow the policy of a hard-core businessman, ie being shrewd, unemotional and result-oriented.
Once humanityis in the swing for the latter, she should extremely careful.
On the physical level that would be a physical accident (eg a false alarm triggering a war), on the mental a mental one, ie rushing into signing a contract without the preparatory checking of the fine print.
It is not possible for humanity to exclude the one from the other, she has to realize the often contradictory aspects under which life presents itself in this period and try her best to come to constructional and forward-directed resolutions and approaches.
Some events may come up suddenly. Proceeding with caution is advised, especially in competitive areas, and situations should not be taken by their face value. Facts should be obtained, sentiments be avoided, and judgement should be fair, specifically in land, territory, property, and international rights dealings where there is a good chance of being successful.
Internally, humanity is now formulating new concepts, pursuits, and a different style of living for the next nine evolutionary steps.
External manifestations of this may include a move to a new or strongly altered constitution, a new activity or project of national or international dimension, or the start of an internationally agreed new nationhood.
There is a karmic implication with regard to the motives and deeds humanity acted out in past intervals. It is imperative that she behaves ethically this time and this way avoids repercussions in the future.
Backlashes from unethical/immoral actions in the past (eg having run a socio-financial system based on extortion and delusion) may be severe if not fatal for the functionality of everyday economic life in industry, government and the private sector.
This holds particularily true if such a system has not been exposed and wound up in the preceding step.
In this period humanity lays the foundation for her next nine evolutionary steps. Whatever she does, she must be aware of the cardinal nature of this interval for her future.
Humanity can now carry out long held plans, but must be vigilant, as the new layouts have to be the foundation for the entirety of the next nine evolutionary steps to which this text refers.
This is an opportunity to break the ice and launch a new project, possibly on a grand scale. The tenor of endings and uncertainties for the future that were experienced in the previous phase are over. The reigns can be taken up again and life can be given a fresh, new outlook and start. Indeed, humanity has to lay the strategic foundation for the next nine-step cycle that is starting with this interval.
Mankind as an entity, is required having to act solely upon her own assessments and decisions, but in this period has the faculties and the strength to succeed as long as it bases its conclusions on fact and acts upon its intuition. Nevertheless, it will be a hard and concentrated engagement, but it will be worth it.
Part of this vibration is to become choosy when selecting those with whom humanity or a community of nations wants to work in this phase to reach the objectives it has set for itself for this period. On-par partnerships should be avoided now.
The force of the current energy is strong as it is endowed with the God-power behind it. Yet, this must not lead to getting carried away with it, especially after the first half of this phase. Guarding against developing an overpowering ego, becoming arrogant and selfish are a must, else humanity will become known for evil instead of for good, will inflict pain upon itself and, that way, create a negative entry in its karmic balance sheet.
Humanity or a community of nations must remain ethical in its approaches and may not impose itself upon its own members or other nations. However, the present energy does allow making the occasional bee-line and get away with it. All the same, as much as possible work must be done in this fundamental period.
If the former nine periods have culminated in a state of exhaustion in the very previous one, the longing and willingness for a new approach to life and wellbeing of the nations is understandably very strong.
In this fluidum, the nations have to make sure that they are not following a self-proclaimed leader or prophet on the basis of promises to lead humanity into its next step of 'evolution'. If sacrificing independence and sovereignty are the price, dependence and loss of self-determination will ensue and all development will become an act of involution (regression).
The numerology of 2017 shows that the humanity has to set long-range goals and plans for the future now, as these have to be the foundation for the entire nine-step cycle to which this text refers.
Among all, there is a sense for a new beginning which calls for endeavors in a new way and/or the expansion of existing ones. The key-words here are independence and attainment.
Humanity, and in that every nation on earth, has to believe in her willpower and abilities, stand on its own, be assertive, initiative, decisive and firm regardless of what others may think. Concentration on the set goals is mandatory, willpower, leadership and steadfastness will be rewarded and vacillation, conceit, presumption, and phoney self-promotion will turn out to be ruinous and any unethical course of action will backfire in the following nine evolutionary steps to come.
In 2017 nations have to guide their individuation wisely, must not be impulsive, guard their ego, and must not become arrogant, selfish or uncaring. Occasionally, they may however make a bee-line and will get away with it.
On-par partnerships are better avoided now and those with whom one wants to collaborate or to work for the nation or an international project should be hand-selected. The same principle has to be applied when choosing intimates and confidants.
The nations have to have the courage now to act on their intuitions and may not be afraid of trying unusual and unconventional approaches to achieve the set objectives.
Internally, mankind is now formulating new concepts, pursuits, and a different style of living for the next nine-step period.
If they are lazy or still unsure and feel insecure because of last year's completions and endings, they will have great difficulties finding a direction and a concept of living within the next nine years. The next chance for laying a bedrock will be 9 years from now.
Despite the demands and extra workload with which humanity has to deal this year, the course of a No 1/1 does generally not become visible before the middle of the year and not clear before October. During these months it must be kept in mind that in this year the foundational building blocks for the next nine-year cycle are laid. Any long-range commitments should therefore be checked against the importance of this year.
Many fresh opportunities, but possibly full of controversies. The reason for this lies in the combination of the two energies that constitute the current vibration (the No 2 and 8). The first one makes one shy, passive and overly sensitive, the second one pushes one to follow the policy of a hard-core businessman, ie being shrewd, unemotional and result-oriented.
Once humanityis in the swing for the latter, she should extremely careful.
On the physical level that would be a physical accident (eg a false alarm triggering a war), on the mental a mental one, ie rushing into signing a contract without the preparatory checking of the fine print.
It is not possible for humanity to exclude the one from the other, she has to realize the often contradictory aspects under which life presents itself in this period and try her best to come to constructional and forward-directed resolutions and approaches.
Some events may come up suddenly. Proceeding with caution is advised, especially in competitive areas, and situations should not be taken by their face value. Facts should be obtained, sentiments be avoided, and judgement should be fair, specifically in land, territory, property, and international rights dealings where there is a good chance of being successful.
Internally, humanity is now formulating new concepts, pursuits, and a different style of living for the next nine evolutionary steps.
External manifestations of this may include a move to a new or strongly altered constitution, a new activity or project of national or international dimension, or the start of an internationally agreed new nationhood.
There is a karmic implication with regard to the motives and deeds humanity acted out in past intervals. It is imperative that she behaves ethically this time and this way avoids repercussions in the future.
Backlashes from unethical/immoral actions in the past (eg having run a socio-financial system based on extortion and delusion) may be severe if not fatal for the functionality of everyday economic life in industry, government and the private sector.
This holds particularily true if such a system has not been exposed and wound up in the preceding step.
In this period humanity lays the foundation for her next nine evolutionary steps. Whatever she does, she must be aware of the cardinal nature of this interval for her future.
Humanity can now carry out long held plans, but must be vigilant, as the new layouts have to be the foundation for the entirety of the next nine evolutionary steps to which this text refers.
This is an opportunity to break the ice and launch a new project, possibly on a grand scale. The tenor of endings and uncertainties for the future that were experienced in the previous phase are over. The reigns can be taken up again and life can be given a fresh, new outlook and start. Indeed, humanity has to lay the strategic foundation for the next nine-step cycle that is starting with this interval.
Mankind as an entity, is required having to act solely upon her own assessments and decisions, but in this period has the faculties and the strength to succeed as long as it bases its conclusions on fact and acts upon its intuition. Nevertheless, it will be a hard and concentrated engagement, but it will be worth it.
Part of this vibration is to become choosy when selecting those with whom humanity or a community of nations wants to work in this phase to reach the objectives it has set for itself for this period. On-par partnerships should be avoided now.
The force of the current energy is strong as it is endowed with the God-power behind it. Yet, this must not lead to getting carried away with it, especially after the first half of this phase. Guarding against developing an overpowering ego, becoming arrogant and selfish are a must, else humanity will become known for evil instead of for good, will inflict pain upon itself and, that way, create a negative entry in its karmic balance sheet.
Humanity or a community of nations must remain ethical in its approaches and may not impose itself upon its own members or other nations. However, the present energy does allow making the occasional bee-line and get away with it. All the same, as much as possible work must be done in this fundamental period.
If the former nine periods have culminated in a state of exhaustion in the very previous one, the longing and willingness for a new approach to life and wellbeing of the nations is understandably very strong.
In this fluidum, the nations have to make sure that they are not following a self-proclaimed leader or prophet on the basis of promises to lead humanity into its next step of 'evolution'. If sacrificing independence and sovereignty are the price, dependence and loss of self-determination will ensue and all development will become an act of involution (regression).