This is an exciting Full Moon. It is spring, it is an eclipse and it carries the charged seed of a Solar Eclipse. This is not always the case. Sometimes there is a Lunar Eclipse all on its own. Such instances are somewhat rarer, but they do occur. The main point is that the Full Moon is the culmination the New Moon and to best understand it, from a holistic perspective, we need to also understand the New Moon, the seed event.
What Will Happen… What is Going On?
Venus Conjunct Neptune and the North Node and Mercury Conjunct the Sun The Significance of Final Dispositors
In my Weekly Horoscope for March 18th, I outlined some of the main points of this Lunar Eclipse and here they are again for your convenience:
The other big news is the Lunar Eclipse. Already a significant event in its own right, this Full Moon is the culmination of the March 8th Solar Eclipse, making it that much more impactful. The exact degree is 3 Libra 17.
It is noteworthy that the core theme of the Solar Eclipse is about relationships and specifically endings, completions and graduations and that the Full Moon is also in Libra, the sign of relationships. Relationships can point in any direction: personal, romantic, friendship, profession, family…. So, watch for synchronicities with these themes in mind.
The Solar Eclipse activates a process of change that can be large and pivotal and its influence can endure for up to six months. If such change is destined to occur for you, it should already be evident and will come into full light under this Full Moon. Well, a slightly dimmed light of the exact Full Moon, that is, due to the Penumbral eclipse which occurs on March 23 at 5:01 am PDT.
What Will Happen… What is Going On?
How this or any ‘celestial event’ will manifest if always relative and personal. Of course, a person can be an entire nation. This is due to how ‘fractals’ work. Generally and from the perspective of the whole, this eclipse season straddling winter and spring and in 2016, a Universal 9 -Year, reveals some very important activation themes. The overall chart reveals a ‘Locomotive’ pattern and at the engine point is Uranus in Aries. It is still in close enough aspect to Pluto to suggest that the square aspect they are producing and have been since summer 2011 remains operative. In simpler terms, we have collectively arrived at an important, even crucial turning point. Basically, this is manifesting as a significant shifting of the overall social dynamic. There is writing on the wall that we need to read. A global village is being born, whether we know it, believe it, like it, or not. How we give birth to it is important and requires a qualified measure of awakening. Astrology is back in and is here to assist us. Fortunately, it is more respected and prevalent than ever. Many remain unaware so we the fewer that are have a responsibility to participate in and contribute to keeping it active and, at least, to act upon the celestial clues it offers. Imagine, we are conscious beings living in a conscious universe and the universe communicates through ‘signs’. But please do not simply regard these as constellations, which are best referred to exactly as that. All the constellations can be removed and the real signs would remain, those revealed by the interactions of the planets from the perspective of the earth. The earth perspective is where you, I, us…, the souls incarnate enter the scene.
In certain respects, because the ‘waxing square’ that these two far ‘planets’ are making is symbolic of Spring Equinox. In other words, the deeper implications implied have just begun. As I have mentioned over the course of the past several years, the root theme is one of balancing the principles of male and female and more specifically of gender equality. Clearly, all the signs of this momentum are underway. Women are progressively asserting their divine right and political might as equals in every way. The biological differences between men and woman are givens yet the socially conditioned notion of superiority/inferiority continues to plague humanity. It may have served us in various ways in the past, but is no longer valid. In the deepest sense of the principles of male and female, the balance implies health, just as is true with the understanding of how health in the body can significantly be measured as the balance between acid and alkaline. The Moon in Libra is serving to bring this principle into full light. But intellectual reflections aside, we have work to do at both individual and collective levels. Forces of imbalance are ever-present and in some respects they are vying for dominion. Sober realization of this process is very important now.
Venus Conjunct Neptune and the North Node and Mercury Conjunct the Sun The Significance of Final Dispositors
Upon closer review of this Lunar Eclipse all on its own, the ‘particle perspective’, it is noteworthy that Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, is in Pisces and closely aligned with Neptune. Venus is exalted in Pisces and Neptune is in honor in Pisces because it is the ruling planet. This is a very auspicious aspect indeed. Further, because Neptune rules Pisces, it is also what is called the final dispositors. This means all the energy ‘stops so to speak at the exact degree of the ‘final dispositor’. Thus, there is truly a blessing woven into this configuration.
To elaborate, the energy patterns in any chart ‘moves’ according to various ‘rules’ of rulership between planets and signs producing a unique and ever-changing blend. The blend changes with each degree of movement and all the planets are moving, if slowly regarding the far planets, but the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus especially can be understood to move relatively quickly. The takeaway here is that Astrology measures a very dynamic process which can truly and actually be understood to NEVER be quite the same from moment to moment, literally. This is a wonderful realization to consider. There are repeat patterns within the whole, but these are subject to the whole, so even despite the repeat, each moment is unique.
More specifically, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces produces a sublime state of love, specifically what can be understood as unconditional or spiritual love. The weave of empathy and compassion is implied here as well. So, we can take that to heart, literally, heart chakra that is, not to be mistaken for heart organ, which is related yes, but qualitatively different. Briefly, appreciating the chakras is the foundation of spiritual science.
Regarding your own Natal Chart, the question you may ask is: What is the final dispositor in my chart or is there actually one there? The latter part of this question reveals the fact that sometimes a person does not have a final dispositor, this actually occurs quite often. What it produces is a feeling of uncertainty regarding making final decisions. This should not be considered a negative factor, per se’, however, it can prove unproductive and thereby frustrating for one’s self and others. Sometimes there is not a final dispositors because 2 or more planets are in their own sign, thus producing the mixed blessing of ‘too much of a good thing’. In the event that you do have a final dispositor in your chart, it becomes a very important determining factor in your life. If it is well placed, and aspected, it will certainly manifest as a boon factor for you. If on the other hand, it is not so well placed by sign, house or aspect, it will manifest as a real sore point. But, by understanding it, as in conscious awareness of it and its implications, and back by free will, you can take deliberate positive action to overcome it.
So, the question I will leave with here is: Do you know if you have a final dispositor in your Natal Chart and if you do, what is it and what is its essential quality? This answer alone would prove very worthwhile indeed for a Reading session. Among other things, what this says is that while it is ever important to approach the chart as a whole, the wave perspective, one single point in the chart can be emphasized to reveal a wealth of invaluable information and, more specifically, personal insight.
Be Healed and Heal
The plot does thicken, however, as we step back to review some of the other details of the chart. To begin, there Chiron is exactly conjunct the asteroid goddess Ceres and the Lunar South Node at 21 Pisces. This basically implies that a process of deep psychological and spiritual healing based on a healthy balance of self-nurture and receiving the same for others is important now. However, we are challenged to take deliberate and practical action as opposed to dreaming about it, which is the negative aspect of the Pisces factor. Some might interpret this as procrastination. If we make the goal of healing emotionally, psychologically and spiritually a priority, we can genuinely say that our life reveals a spiritual approach.
Materialism, addiction and shallow attitudes lead people to deny or simply remain oblivious regarding the importance of the ongoing process of self-cultivation and refinement. Such an orientation is not simply ethical, it is wise. It is not a question of doing the ‘right thing’ it is more a matter of genuinely realizing that the rewards that come from living this way are assured. In short, such an attitude and approach qualifies one as a spiritual warrior. This is basically the attitude required of us from our soul. Further, it reveals a soul-centered state of being as opposed to an ego-centered state. There is nothing strictly 'wrong' about the latter, it simply indicates that the pace and quality of your evolution is delayed and possibly even in reverse. This is actually more common than it may seem, even among smiling nice people.
Jupiter in Virgo, the sign of holistic healing, co-ruled by Mercury, Chiron and Ceres, conjunct the Lunar North Node is the indication that this eclipse season holds within it the summons to awaken and specifically to embark upon a more deliberate healing and spiritual path. As you raise your vibration, you contribute to the collective in kind. As well, doing so can also serve to awaken and inspire you to actualize your higher potential, the high road of your destiny, and thereby render an even more meaningful contribution to humanity at this critical juncture. This may also be described as ‘volunteering to be a ‘light worker’ otherwise called a ‘world server’. Qualification begins with awareness and admission requires action. Once ‘in’ you soul can work with a through you. Until then, you remain ego-centered and what can otherwise be interpreted to be ‘asleep’. While some are more destined to be awake, the choice is ever present either way. Now, that is free will with soul!
A Summons for Spiritual Warriors to Awaken
Mercury in this chart is also significant. In addition to being the co-ruler of Virgo, it is also exactly conjunct the Sun. This condition is called ‘cazimi’. Cazimi is a Medieval astrological term that is used to refer to planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the Sun. Yes, in the heart. This means it is of utmost importance, nay, in fact, constitutes the top priority. The Sun should be understood to be the focal point of any chart. It is truly the star of the show. Moreover, it is the spirit.
Mercury conjunct the Sun at 2 Aries 56 and 3 Aries 17 respectively (‘exactly’ here means within 1 degree) are disposited by Mars in Sagittarius, which, in turn is disposited by Jupiter conjunct the Lunar North Node, so there is a ‘loop’ here, a repeat pattern making it extra important. Mars at 5 Sagittarius 29 is in close aspect to the Sun/Moon opposition = Full Moon. (There are only 30 degrees in a sign, so you will never see a planet at 31 degrees, for example, and there are 60 seconds in 1 degree, like minutes, so 5 degrees 29 can be read as 5 minutes and 29 seconds ‘of celestial arc’.) This deepens the principle of this overall theme which can be interpreted as a ‘summons to awaken and activate the attitude and orientation of the spiritual warrior.’ That is, in a nutshell, the deeper implications of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses, taken as a couplet, as a whole.
Ascension is Underway!
The question now remains: why do you think this is so? The basic answer I would offer is that humanity is in an ascension process and this is producing what may be deemed a ‘healing crisis’. The ascension process basically means that frequencies are accelerating and the entire planet subtly but surely entering higher dimensions. It has been described as a merging of the physical and the astral. Some assert that if one is not vibrating at a high enough vibration, they may not 'graduate'. While I cannot be sure of this, it does make sense. If it is true, waking -up and becoming soul-centered is more important than ever. P.S. Your destiny to be fully who you are, remains true, but at a higher level of consciousness and co-creative participation.
It can also be described as the emerging vibration of the Aquarian Age which is still in its dawning. I encourage you to not yield to those who assert that the Aquarian Age has not yet begun. I firmly believe they are deluded by linear perspectives. All we have to do is understand the ‘signs’ of Aquarius and the fact that the Aquarian Age has begun will become very evident. On a final note, as mentioned in my New Moon in Pisces Newsletter on March 8th, this healing crisis includes the process of balancing the male and female both within and without.
Equality of Male and Female – the Natural Order of Things
The balance without implies gender equality is every respect. All groups and orientations to the contrary may be recognized to be ‘dark force’ or counter-evolutionary and, at least, outdated. Balancing the principles of male and female within requires further much discussion as well, yet it can basically be understood as a balance between emotional intelligence or empathy and linear intelligence or acknowledgment of the spectrum of outer realities and ‘facts’. Admittedly, when the two are operative and interactive, the facts become increasingly relative and never conclusive in any absolute sense. This mode of perception is one of the keys to success in the ascension process. However you do it, just do it beginning with clear desire and intention. Doing so implies rewards for one (you) and all (us). I can assist you with better understanding this process in your own life and much more via a whole approach to interpreting your Natal Chart and the cycles currently activating it. I look forward to the opportunity to serving you in this manner in the near future.
Thank you for being here!
Venus Conjunct Neptune and the North Node and Mercury Conjunct the Sun The Significance of Final Dispositors
In my Weekly Horoscope for March 18th, I outlined some of the main points of this Lunar Eclipse and here they are again for your convenience:
The other big news is the Lunar Eclipse. Already a significant event in its own right, this Full Moon is the culmination of the March 8th Solar Eclipse, making it that much more impactful. The exact degree is 3 Libra 17.
It is noteworthy that the core theme of the Solar Eclipse is about relationships and specifically endings, completions and graduations and that the Full Moon is also in Libra, the sign of relationships. Relationships can point in any direction: personal, romantic, friendship, profession, family…. So, watch for synchronicities with these themes in mind.
The Solar Eclipse activates a process of change that can be large and pivotal and its influence can endure for up to six months. If such change is destined to occur for you, it should already be evident and will come into full light under this Full Moon. Well, a slightly dimmed light of the exact Full Moon, that is, due to the Penumbral eclipse which occurs on March 23 at 5:01 am PDT.
What Will Happen… What is Going On?
How this or any ‘celestial event’ will manifest if always relative and personal. Of course, a person can be an entire nation. This is due to how ‘fractals’ work. Generally and from the perspective of the whole, this eclipse season straddling winter and spring and in 2016, a Universal 9 -Year, reveals some very important activation themes. The overall chart reveals a ‘Locomotive’ pattern and at the engine point is Uranus in Aries. It is still in close enough aspect to Pluto to suggest that the square aspect they are producing and have been since summer 2011 remains operative. In simpler terms, we have collectively arrived at an important, even crucial turning point. Basically, this is manifesting as a significant shifting of the overall social dynamic. There is writing on the wall that we need to read. A global village is being born, whether we know it, believe it, like it, or not. How we give birth to it is important and requires a qualified measure of awakening. Astrology is back in and is here to assist us. Fortunately, it is more respected and prevalent than ever. Many remain unaware so we the fewer that are have a responsibility to participate in and contribute to keeping it active and, at least, to act upon the celestial clues it offers. Imagine, we are conscious beings living in a conscious universe and the universe communicates through ‘signs’. But please do not simply regard these as constellations, which are best referred to exactly as that. All the constellations can be removed and the real signs would remain, those revealed by the interactions of the planets from the perspective of the earth. The earth perspective is where you, I, us…, the souls incarnate enter the scene.
In certain respects, because the ‘waxing square’ that these two far ‘planets’ are making is symbolic of Spring Equinox. In other words, the deeper implications implied have just begun. As I have mentioned over the course of the past several years, the root theme is one of balancing the principles of male and female and more specifically of gender equality. Clearly, all the signs of this momentum are underway. Women are progressively asserting their divine right and political might as equals in every way. The biological differences between men and woman are givens yet the socially conditioned notion of superiority/inferiority continues to plague humanity. It may have served us in various ways in the past, but is no longer valid. In the deepest sense of the principles of male and female, the balance implies health, just as is true with the understanding of how health in the body can significantly be measured as the balance between acid and alkaline. The Moon in Libra is serving to bring this principle into full light. But intellectual reflections aside, we have work to do at both individual and collective levels. Forces of imbalance are ever-present and in some respects they are vying for dominion. Sober realization of this process is very important now.
Venus Conjunct Neptune and the North Node and Mercury Conjunct the Sun The Significance of Final Dispositors
Upon closer review of this Lunar Eclipse all on its own, the ‘particle perspective’, it is noteworthy that Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, is in Pisces and closely aligned with Neptune. Venus is exalted in Pisces and Neptune is in honor in Pisces because it is the ruling planet. This is a very auspicious aspect indeed. Further, because Neptune rules Pisces, it is also what is called the final dispositors. This means all the energy ‘stops so to speak at the exact degree of the ‘final dispositor’. Thus, there is truly a blessing woven into this configuration.
To elaborate, the energy patterns in any chart ‘moves’ according to various ‘rules’ of rulership between planets and signs producing a unique and ever-changing blend. The blend changes with each degree of movement and all the planets are moving, if slowly regarding the far planets, but the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus especially can be understood to move relatively quickly. The takeaway here is that Astrology measures a very dynamic process which can truly and actually be understood to NEVER be quite the same from moment to moment, literally. This is a wonderful realization to consider. There are repeat patterns within the whole, but these are subject to the whole, so even despite the repeat, each moment is unique.
More specifically, Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces produces a sublime state of love, specifically what can be understood as unconditional or spiritual love. The weave of empathy and compassion is implied here as well. So, we can take that to heart, literally, heart chakra that is, not to be mistaken for heart organ, which is related yes, but qualitatively different. Briefly, appreciating the chakras is the foundation of spiritual science.
Regarding your own Natal Chart, the question you may ask is: What is the final dispositor in my chart or is there actually one there? The latter part of this question reveals the fact that sometimes a person does not have a final dispositor, this actually occurs quite often. What it produces is a feeling of uncertainty regarding making final decisions. This should not be considered a negative factor, per se’, however, it can prove unproductive and thereby frustrating for one’s self and others. Sometimes there is not a final dispositors because 2 or more planets are in their own sign, thus producing the mixed blessing of ‘too much of a good thing’. In the event that you do have a final dispositor in your chart, it becomes a very important determining factor in your life. If it is well placed, and aspected, it will certainly manifest as a boon factor for you. If on the other hand, it is not so well placed by sign, house or aspect, it will manifest as a real sore point. But, by understanding it, as in conscious awareness of it and its implications, and back by free will, you can take deliberate positive action to overcome it.
So, the question I will leave with here is: Do you know if you have a final dispositor in your Natal Chart and if you do, what is it and what is its essential quality? This answer alone would prove very worthwhile indeed for a Reading session. Among other things, what this says is that while it is ever important to approach the chart as a whole, the wave perspective, one single point in the chart can be emphasized to reveal a wealth of invaluable information and, more specifically, personal insight.
Be Healed and Heal
The plot does thicken, however, as we step back to review some of the other details of the chart. To begin, there Chiron is exactly conjunct the asteroid goddess Ceres and the Lunar South Node at 21 Pisces. This basically implies that a process of deep psychological and spiritual healing based on a healthy balance of self-nurture and receiving the same for others is important now. However, we are challenged to take deliberate and practical action as opposed to dreaming about it, which is the negative aspect of the Pisces factor. Some might interpret this as procrastination. If we make the goal of healing emotionally, psychologically and spiritually a priority, we can genuinely say that our life reveals a spiritual approach.
Materialism, addiction and shallow attitudes lead people to deny or simply remain oblivious regarding the importance of the ongoing process of self-cultivation and refinement. Such an orientation is not simply ethical, it is wise. It is not a question of doing the ‘right thing’ it is more a matter of genuinely realizing that the rewards that come from living this way are assured. In short, such an attitude and approach qualifies one as a spiritual warrior. This is basically the attitude required of us from our soul. Further, it reveals a soul-centered state of being as opposed to an ego-centered state. There is nothing strictly 'wrong' about the latter, it simply indicates that the pace and quality of your evolution is delayed and possibly even in reverse. This is actually more common than it may seem, even among smiling nice people.
Jupiter in Virgo, the sign of holistic healing, co-ruled by Mercury, Chiron and Ceres, conjunct the Lunar North Node is the indication that this eclipse season holds within it the summons to awaken and specifically to embark upon a more deliberate healing and spiritual path. As you raise your vibration, you contribute to the collective in kind. As well, doing so can also serve to awaken and inspire you to actualize your higher potential, the high road of your destiny, and thereby render an even more meaningful contribution to humanity at this critical juncture. This may also be described as ‘volunteering to be a ‘light worker’ otherwise called a ‘world server’. Qualification begins with awareness and admission requires action. Once ‘in’ you soul can work with a through you. Until then, you remain ego-centered and what can otherwise be interpreted to be ‘asleep’. While some are more destined to be awake, the choice is ever present either way. Now, that is free will with soul!
A Summons for Spiritual Warriors to Awaken
Mercury in this chart is also significant. In addition to being the co-ruler of Virgo, it is also exactly conjunct the Sun. This condition is called ‘cazimi’. Cazimi is a Medieval astrological term that is used to refer to planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the Sun. Yes, in the heart. This means it is of utmost importance, nay, in fact, constitutes the top priority. The Sun should be understood to be the focal point of any chart. It is truly the star of the show. Moreover, it is the spirit.
Mercury conjunct the Sun at 2 Aries 56 and 3 Aries 17 respectively (‘exactly’ here means within 1 degree) are disposited by Mars in Sagittarius, which, in turn is disposited by Jupiter conjunct the Lunar North Node, so there is a ‘loop’ here, a repeat pattern making it extra important. Mars at 5 Sagittarius 29 is in close aspect to the Sun/Moon opposition = Full Moon. (There are only 30 degrees in a sign, so you will never see a planet at 31 degrees, for example, and there are 60 seconds in 1 degree, like minutes, so 5 degrees 29 can be read as 5 minutes and 29 seconds ‘of celestial arc’.) This deepens the principle of this overall theme which can be interpreted as a ‘summons to awaken and activate the attitude and orientation of the spiritual warrior.’ That is, in a nutshell, the deeper implications of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses, taken as a couplet, as a whole.
Ascension is Underway!
The question now remains: why do you think this is so? The basic answer I would offer is that humanity is in an ascension process and this is producing what may be deemed a ‘healing crisis’. The ascension process basically means that frequencies are accelerating and the entire planet subtly but surely entering higher dimensions. It has been described as a merging of the physical and the astral. Some assert that if one is not vibrating at a high enough vibration, they may not 'graduate'. While I cannot be sure of this, it does make sense. If it is true, waking -up and becoming soul-centered is more important than ever. P.S. Your destiny to be fully who you are, remains true, but at a higher level of consciousness and co-creative participation.
It can also be described as the emerging vibration of the Aquarian Age which is still in its dawning. I encourage you to not yield to those who assert that the Aquarian Age has not yet begun. I firmly believe they are deluded by linear perspectives. All we have to do is understand the ‘signs’ of Aquarius and the fact that the Aquarian Age has begun will become very evident. On a final note, as mentioned in my New Moon in Pisces Newsletter on March 8th, this healing crisis includes the process of balancing the male and female both within and without.
Equality of Male and Female – the Natural Order of Things
The balance without implies gender equality is every respect. All groups and orientations to the contrary may be recognized to be ‘dark force’ or counter-evolutionary and, at least, outdated. Balancing the principles of male and female within requires further much discussion as well, yet it can basically be understood as a balance between emotional intelligence or empathy and linear intelligence or acknowledgment of the spectrum of outer realities and ‘facts’. Admittedly, when the two are operative and interactive, the facts become increasingly relative and never conclusive in any absolute sense. This mode of perception is one of the keys to success in the ascension process. However you do it, just do it beginning with clear desire and intention. Doing so implies rewards for one (you) and all (us). I can assist you with better understanding this process in your own life and much more via a whole approach to interpreting your Natal Chart and the cycles currently activating it. I look forward to the opportunity to serving you in this manner in the near future.
Thank you for being here!