Leo time has begun. In tune with the Sign ruled by the Sun, it is hot. Beyond the temperature, it is also hot in other ways in our world as well. The U.S. Presidential Election is sure heating up and this New Moon, which occurs at 4:44 pm EDT, thus in Washington DC, will contribute to the heat.
This New Moon marks is the first official round of the election where the contending candidates have been narrowed down to 2. Of course, there are ever many fronts to consider in the world but given the influence of the United States on the world stage, what goes on there tends to affect us all, in the ripple effect anyway.
This New Moon marks is the first official round of the election where the contending candidates have been narrowed down to 2. Of course, there are ever many fronts to consider in the world but given the influence of the United States on the world stage, what goes on there tends to affect us all, in the ripple effect anyway.
In this Universal 9 Year, the number of each month takes on added prominence because 9 added to any number = that number. So, August is an 8 month and that is the number of power and abundance, of the harvest and also a number of toil and tests. I liken it to the exam period at the end of the school semester and to the playoffs in sports. In-tune with the sign that predominates in the month of Leo, the heat and passion escalates and, again, this is especially true when the Universal year is 9, so pay attention and get ready for the show.
From a wider angle, this dawning of the Aquarian Age, the Sun is steadily rising higher and brighter and this is synchronizing with the rapid emergence of a global village. It is true that from this symbolic perspective, it is still March 21st and still rather early in the morning. Imagine that! The Aquarian Age is really just getting started, in terms of daylight.
Then again, the midnight start point is much older, like say 5 centuries. This might sound extreme but it is based on the simple logic that the age last 2150 years and it is early morning. So, when would you say the midnight point occurred? I will return to this wonderful riddle in the near future. Leo is the polar opposite sign of Aquarius, the other side of the coin, as it were, and therefore plays an important role in the coming age. In fact, a leading role, just the kind it desires most.
From a wider angle, this dawning of the Aquarian Age, the Sun is steadily rising higher and brighter and this is synchronizing with the rapid emergence of a global village. It is true that from this symbolic perspective, it is still March 21st and still rather early in the morning. Imagine that! The Aquarian Age is really just getting started, in terms of daylight.
Then again, the midnight start point is much older, like say 5 centuries. This might sound extreme but it is based on the simple logic that the age last 2150 years and it is early morning. So, when would you say the midnight point occurred? I will return to this wonderful riddle in the near future. Leo is the polar opposite sign of Aquarius, the other side of the coin, as it were, and therefore plays an important role in the coming age. In fact, a leading role, just the kind it desires most.
This New Moon in Leo is charged with fire. The symbolic interpretation of the Fire Element includes words like inspiration, passion, enthusiasm, zeal, animation, drama, fury, and so on. The Sun and Moon at 10 Leo incorporates the themes of Sagittarius which symbolically translates to include words like expansive, large and even enormous, vision, fervor, multicultural, religion, philosophy, and ethics.
Mars and Saturn are in Sagittarius and at the time of the New Moon were almost 10 degrees apart which are called a ‘wide angle conjunction’. Yet, due to the fact that Saturn is retrograde and will be until August 13, both planets are currently approaching exact conjunction, which will occur on August 22, two days after the Sun enters Virgo. So, we can expect a build-up of their assertive and expansive energy pattern over the coming weeks.
The fact that Mars is positioned at 0 degrees Sagittarius supports the likelihood of this cycle having a lot of zeal, verve, drive and pioneering passion and assertion. Venus in Leo is the planet of highest degree and this brings out all the performance of a female in heat. This can produce a very provocative mood. At best, it will prove very fun, exciting and arousing. Of course, such energy patterns can be expressed in different ways and it all depends on how the planet aspect individual charts.
Jupiter in Virgo all the while, along with Mercury and the Lunar North Node will, hopefully, effectively serve to soften the otherwise explosive and even violent expression of Mars conjunct Saturn in fiery and exuberant Sagittarius fueled by the Sun in Leo. Get ready for a new wave of excitement and drama.
I will remind you here that to get a more precise bit of insight each week about how the planetary alignments are manifesting in your life, my Weekly Horoscope accessed on my website for free will provide that for you. However, if you REALLY want to gain accurate insight about how current and deeper cycles of influences too, are unfolding in your life, according to the designs of your destiny, I invite you to contact me to Book a Reading. All sessions are recorded and sent to you by email and phone, Skype and other online platforms allow us all to communicate across the world for free - one of the flowers of our technological age.
My style of Astrology is called Humanistic which looks deeply at who you are and what constitute the deeper aspects of your destiny, as well as examining the current cycles of influence call transits. There is more to you than you may realize and true self-understanding takes time and dedication and I can give you a big boost in that direction.
Basically, Leo is about fun and games, children and creative offspring such as works of art in every genre and caliber and play and entertainment, romance and passion and sex. What’s not to like? Well, the issues that arise surround that word that is also used to identify a family of lions: pride. There is such a thing as healthy pride and there is unhealthy pride just as there are such things as a balanced ego and an unbalanced ego. There are many expressions of an unbalanced ego but the basic keywords are attachment, greed and control.
People with Leo strongly emphasized in their charts can certainly be very generous. I am sure most people have experienced this. Yet the instinctive urge to be the center of attention, like children often have, can turn into control and then or when supported by attachment to power, the urge for control can become quite apparent. This is often especially true when Leo is on the ascendant, as in Leo Rising, which symbolizes one’s style and mode of expression.
U.S. Presidential candidate, Donald Trump has Leo Rising and, moreover, he has Mars and Pluto, the two ruling planets of Scorpio on either side of it, Pluto in the 12th and Mars in the 1st. Wow! Watching Mr. Trump, we see a rather clear indication of the influence of Leo and the reality of how well astrology works. Pluto at 8 Leo is in close, hard, square aspect to the M.C. / I.C axis, otherwise referred to as the line of power. This square indicates power and the lessons of wielding it wisely.
Donald Trump’s reputation for candid bigotry illustrates some of the blinding power of pride and can be interpreted as an unwise use of power in this time of cultural weaving. Pitching to play a leading role in a country that prides itself on being a melting pot society is rather disturbing. To his credit, he is serving to flush to the surface the reality that there remains a good deal of racism and prejudice in the U.S. and in the world as well.
Such things take time to resolve, and the flushing process may actually prove very helpful, as long as it is recognized and approached on the grounds of a genuinely humanistic attitude which recognizes all people as members of the human family. This goal remains a global issue and many countries remain very far behind. What is interesting, however, is that where people from various ethnic, racial and national backgrounds are growing up together is where a new humanity is emerging and I feel quite confident this trend will continue leaving countries that remain ethnocentric behind and perhaps increasingly awkward or threatened... This is one of the major new dramas emerging on the world stage.
Such things take time to resolve, and the flushing process may actually prove very helpful, as long as it is recognized and approached on the grounds of a genuinely humanistic attitude which recognizes all people as members of the human family. This goal remains a global issue and many countries remain very far behind. What is interesting, however, is that where people from various ethnic, racial and national backgrounds are growing up together is where a new humanity is emerging and I feel quite confident this trend will continue leaving countries that remain ethnocentric behind and perhaps increasingly awkward or threatened... This is one of the major new dramas emerging on the world stage.
So, it is summer and the living is easy, but not for everyone. As the drama goes, both some people at an individual and at a group level are experiencing challenges. Sometimes these are the normal sort reflective of the day to day challenges we all undergo and sometimes they are acutely challenging and painful. Such difficult challenges can be represented by a spike in the graph, which in astrology are better understood as peaks in the cycle. Like a square, the peaks occur when we reach the corner and are pressured to take a 90-degree turn.
Some would say that the entire world is currently taking such a turn. Yet, it remains that where and how the crisis occurs and the degree of its intensity varies. This is where outer circumstances and hidden archetypal patterns that equate to difficult karma synchronize to produce these acute challenges. It is not a matter of one or the other, but both, always both. Embedded in this understanding is the reality of the hidden laws of nature and some of these come under the heading of spiritual. Ironically, the word spiritual, here, includes very real and sometimes acutely painful challenges.
Some would say that the entire world is currently taking such a turn. Yet, it remains that where and how the crisis occurs and the degree of its intensity varies. This is where outer circumstances and hidden archetypal patterns that equate to difficult karma synchronize to produce these acute challenges. It is not a matter of one or the other, but both, always both. Embedded in this understanding is the reality of the hidden laws of nature and some of these come under the heading of spiritual. Ironically, the word spiritual, here, includes very real and sometimes acutely painful challenges.
This is so because our journey through time and space in the 3-D body of this dimension can be well understood as a school. Looking back at the New Moon in Leo chart, Jupiter in Virgo refers to this idea of life as a school. Positively, this perspective brings meaning and value to the many tests and lessons of life. Appreciating this, however, may require that we see ourselves from a deeper light yet, as souls incarnate who reincarnate and therefore have a destiny and karma.
Astrology illustrates this so well that the insights it provides can seem magical, profound and powerful. People whose world view does not include this deeper view of our life on earth, who do not have the soul app, can find this quite puzzling and often refer to the entire field of metaphysics as woo-woo. What they fail to realize is that the woo-woo they are seeing is the projection of their own understanding. As one awakens to the fact the universe is conscious and that this consciousness pervades everything and that it reveals the existence of soul!
Astrology illustrates this so well that the insights it provides can seem magical, profound and powerful. People whose world view does not include this deeper view of our life on earth, who do not have the soul app, can find this quite puzzling and often refer to the entire field of metaphysics as woo-woo. What they fail to realize is that the woo-woo they are seeing is the projection of their own understanding. As one awakens to the fact the universe is conscious and that this consciousness pervades everything and that it reveals the existence of soul!