One of our biggest planteary events of 2015 will be the SuperMoon/Crisis Moon Eclipse on September 27th, 2016. It's a huge aspect that will have a major effect on many of us.
There's a couple of things going on with this Eclipse which is in the sign of Aries.
Full Moon eclipses push to make decisions reveal secrets and initiate endings. If you've been dealing with specific concerns over the past year, this eclispse highlights the same issues of previous eclipses; April 15, 2014, October 8, 2014 and April 4, 2015.
So ask yourself: What was happening in your life then? What decisions or issues were you grappling with? Now, this eclipse takes you to a new chapter. For many people, it has much to do with relationships and what we want from them. You will hear of people ending partnerships, both business and personal.
Things will come to light that force you to make decisions to end or continue a union. Some of you may be doing a balancing act between your personal lives and the demands of the outside world. Many of you have been dealing with relationship karma since last summer's Venus retrograde and then also with mercury retograde in Libra happening now. Most everyone is reviewing a committment or obligation of some kind. If there is worry or concern, the eclipse will magnify it and shed light on the issue. You will be forced to deal with it under this eclipse's influence. For many, this is just the eclipse you need to help take a relationship to the next level, to marry, to move in, to commit and more.
For other folks, they may decide to end a relatioship because the way they see it has changed drastiically. In the past you may have been under a "spell" and saw your relationship through rose colored glasses. Now reality sets in and you see things exactly as they are. This alone may force you to take drastic measures.
For people who have been uncertain about making a committment this eclipse may be exactly the push you need to do it. Relationships of all kinds will be looked at under the eye of the eclipse.
The term relationship doesn't always have to relate love or marriage. It can be your relationship to a company you work for or a committment to a project or even an area in which you live. It may differ for us all depending on your chart. The one thing that is certain for everyone however is that this eclipse will likely shake things up in our lives and force some sort of a change. Wherever it falls in your astrology chart and whatever planets in your chart are affected will reveal neccessary changes.
A few days leading up the eclipse you will start feeling more axnious or intense about things. This is normal. So don't freak out and don't allow other people to disturb your inner peace by pulling aboard their crazy train.
The Autumn Equinox heralds the change of the season on the 23rd, right before the eclipse. The Sun will move into the sign of Libra, which rules partnerships and relationships. Another reason we are turning our focus there.
By the 24th, the intense energy will expand and there may be emotional frustrations. People are likely to be more critical than usual. Then the SuperMoon eclipse will hit on the 27th. In summary, this eclipse will bring a close to very important chapter in your life. The Universe has been sending messages for quite a while. Some have been subtle, others more direct. This is an exciting and intense time. But do not judge this eclipse until the energy has passed and things are calmer. It appears you will see things from a new perspective after the dust has settled. The changes ocuuring will be for the best in the long run.
- It's a Total Lunar Eclipse which means the earth, sun and moon will align precisely.
- It is a Super Moon which we always call a Crisis moon because the moon will be closer to the earth than the average full moon.
- We will feel the energy more than usual. When people feel the intensity of the moon's energy, more drama spreads and secrets are revealed. Some folks will experience crisis.
- This eclipse takes place near the Autumn equinox which magnifies the energy too.
Full Moon eclipses push to make decisions reveal secrets and initiate endings. If you've been dealing with specific concerns over the past year, this eclispse highlights the same issues of previous eclipses; April 15, 2014, October 8, 2014 and April 4, 2015.
So ask yourself: What was happening in your life then? What decisions or issues were you grappling with? Now, this eclipse takes you to a new chapter. For many people, it has much to do with relationships and what we want from them. You will hear of people ending partnerships, both business and personal.
Things will come to light that force you to make decisions to end or continue a union. Some of you may be doing a balancing act between your personal lives and the demands of the outside world. Many of you have been dealing with relationship karma since last summer's Venus retrograde and then also with mercury retograde in Libra happening now. Most everyone is reviewing a committment or obligation of some kind. If there is worry or concern, the eclipse will magnify it and shed light on the issue. You will be forced to deal with it under this eclipse's influence. For many, this is just the eclipse you need to help take a relationship to the next level, to marry, to move in, to commit and more.
For other folks, they may decide to end a relatioship because the way they see it has changed drastiically. In the past you may have been under a "spell" and saw your relationship through rose colored glasses. Now reality sets in and you see things exactly as they are. This alone may force you to take drastic measures.
For people who have been uncertain about making a committment this eclipse may be exactly the push you need to do it. Relationships of all kinds will be looked at under the eye of the eclipse.
The term relationship doesn't always have to relate love or marriage. It can be your relationship to a company you work for or a committment to a project or even an area in which you live. It may differ for us all depending on your chart. The one thing that is certain for everyone however is that this eclipse will likely shake things up in our lives and force some sort of a change. Wherever it falls in your astrology chart and whatever planets in your chart are affected will reveal neccessary changes.
A few days leading up the eclipse you will start feeling more axnious or intense about things. This is normal. So don't freak out and don't allow other people to disturb your inner peace by pulling aboard their crazy train.
The Autumn Equinox heralds the change of the season on the 23rd, right before the eclipse. The Sun will move into the sign of Libra, which rules partnerships and relationships. Another reason we are turning our focus there.
By the 24th, the intense energy will expand and there may be emotional frustrations. People are likely to be more critical than usual. Then the SuperMoon eclipse will hit on the 27th. In summary, this eclipse will bring a close to very important chapter in your life. The Universe has been sending messages for quite a while. Some have been subtle, others more direct. This is an exciting and intense time. But do not judge this eclipse until the energy has passed and things are calmer. It appears you will see things from a new perspective after the dust has settled. The changes ocuuring will be for the best in the long run.